Finding the cheapest flights is a constant struggle? You need to check out these features!
Scenario 1: You want to find the cheapest flight, and it really doesn’t matter where you’re going
With KAYAK Explore, you simply choose a departure airport and your travel dates and within seconds you’ll see all the different flight options and prices on an interactive map. Now, you can actually see which the cheapest locations are that you can fly to from your chosen airport. In case you’re still not sure how to use Explore, you can find a step-by-step guide here.

Scenario 2: You know where you want to go, and it doesn’t really matter when you go
There is one key tip if you want to find the cheapest flight: Be flexible! We know, that’s not always as easy as it sounds. You have to enter a specific date to search for your flight and then you end up spending hours trying out all the possible combinations. Sound familiar? Then you will love THIS feature. On KAYAK you are now able to compare prices within a flexible window that spans an entire month.
Go to and enter your details. Do you want to be even more flexible and find even cheaper flights? Just tick the ‘Nearby Airports’ option, click on ‘Flexible Month’, and choose your earliest departure date and desired length of stay. The latest return date will be set automatically. Now, just enter your desired trip length and click on ‘Search’.

You’ll be amazed at the results. You will see a practical overview of all your options with the cheapest flights highlighted in dark green. Now it’s completely up to you to adjust your trip length, include a stopover, or select a preferred flight time.

Find cheap regional flights from Auckland
Of course, you can repeat this procedure for any other month to compare prices.
Just click on a departure date that suits you and choose a return date from the practical overview. Once you have chosen your return flight, you will see all the flight details including the airline, flight times, and stopovers.
In case you are unsure whether to book now or wait a bit longer, you also have the option to ‘Create a price alert’. With this alert, you will always know when the prices change. And the best thing is, only you decide when and how often you will receive an email with updated prices.
Scenario 3: You can’t be bothered to search, you just want information on how to find the cheapest flights
The Price Alert feature is actually pretty darn cool! Just create new alerts under ‘Email & Alerts‘ once you have signed into your KAYAK Account, then if you want to add a new flight alert, just select a flight with a particular destination and enter a departure and return date. You don’t know your dates yet? No problem, just create a price alert for a specific destination. You can even create an alert for the Top 25 cities to receive a daily overview of the top deals for the top destinations.

In addition to our price alerts, we offer further subscriptions that you can sign up for (and, of course, unsubscribe again if you no longer want to receive the information).
Scenario 4: Not sure whether you should buy now or later?
So you’re all set to buy your ticket, but there’s always that little nagging fear – what if the price suddenly drops tomorrow? Should you wait? But then, what if the fare goes up? Lucky for you, there’s KAYAK Price Forecast, a seemingly magical tool to help you guess if it’s a good time to book.
There’s actually nothing magic about it, though. KAYAK data scientists have studied previous flight information to help gain an understanding of the factors that normally affect price fluctuation. Pretty brainy, huh? It’s not an exact science, but we’re pretty confident in it.
Whenever you make a flight search, simply check the top left corner once the results have loaded. You’ll see a green or blue graph plus a message saying BUY or WATCH. If it’s a good time to buy, grab your tickets while they’re hot! If not, cool your jets and wait for the price to go down. You can also create an alert to make sure you know as soon as they do.
With all these features under your belt, you’re well prepared to go on your mission to ‘find the cheapest flight’ – Good luck and have fun travelling!